Individual Stream |

Cohering Community Program

Individual Registration

Thank you for your interest in joining us in the Cohering Community experience! Our intention and hope is that it will elevate all your relationships - with yourself, with others and life itself. To register, do the following:

  1. Read and agree to this Cohering Community Participation Agreement
  2. Click "Add to Cart" below and then complete your payment

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Cohering Community Program - Individual Stream

With: Lisa Persson, Richard Schultz
Thu, Oct 31, 2024 - Thu, Jan 30, 2025
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM United States / Eastern

What you will receive in this interactive workshop experience:

Included in Registration 20+ hours of live interactive conversation over 10-12 weeks
Included in Registration Deep connection with a circle of 8-16 people 
Included in Registration 12 month membership in our online community
Included in Registration Recordings and notes from live conversations
Included in Registration Articles, resources, links, and tips on circle-work
Included in Registration Opportunities to network with all participants
Included in Registration Optional mentoring/coaching (additional cost)

Registration Comments:
Prices below are in Canadian Dollars which is approximately US$150. split into 3 payments. You can register and pay for more than one individual by selecting multiple quantities. In the checkout process, you will be asked for names and emails of each participant being registered.
Enter Discount Coupon Code 
Event Item
Individual Stream of the Cohering Community Program on Thursdays from October 31 to January 30, 2025 (No meetings on Dec 26 and January 2) with Richard Schultz & Lisa Persson
Payment Plan: C$ 65.00 paid today, C$ 65.00 on 11/22/2024, C$ 65.00 on 12/20/2024. Total Paid will be: C$ 195.00
C$ 195.00 C$ 65.00
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Cohering Community

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For the Good of All Now

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Read the following Cohering Community Participation Agreement and complete the form, signifying your agreement prior to registration and payment. Click here for a printable copy of this agreement.

A truly safe group environment provides the basis for powerful transformation, empowering exploration, inspired collaboration and vibrant living. We co-create this space by the way we participate. Here are some ways you can help in co-creating a shared, held, safe space for connection and contemplation.

The primary underlying principle of these agreements is acceptance. Accept that everyone is doing their best to learn and grow, by respecting and following these standards. Self-acceptance is particularly beneficial to experience a safe, empowering environment to learn, create, communicate and celebrate.

In signing up for a Cohering Community experience, I agree to practice these standards to the best of my ability:

1. It is my intention to maintain confidentiality. 

  • What I see and hear that is personal or specific to another within the group will stay here.
  • When sharing the essence of someone else's story, without the names and specific details, I agree to share in an honoring manner that celebrates the original person’s magnificence.

2. It is my intention to have an open and innocent mind and heart.

  • I release evaluating or comparing what I am learning.
  • I allow myself to “try on” and wear the information for a while, as it stands.

3. It is my intention to practice a positive focus.

  • I focus on what is working and what is magnificent.
  • I fill my tank with the power of positivity.
  • What I perceive in others I strengthen in myself.
  • What I focus on expands.

4. It is my intention to connect at a heart level.

  • I practice opening my heart to the essence of what is being conveyed.
  • I release the need to evaluate and judge, at least for now, in the moment.

5. It is my intention to claim my experience as my own.

  • I speak in “I” statements so I can claim my own experience.
  • I release telling others what they should do, feel, believe, or act.

6. It is my intention to listen deeply and with honor.

  • I am 100% engaged and my positive attention is on the person sharing.
  • I release anticipating what the person is going to share.
  • I re-spect, and look again with new eyes.
  • I look for the gifts being shared – their courage, authenticity, brilliance, etc.
  • I allow the person sharing to indicate that he or she is complete.

7. It is my intention to give authentic acknowledgment and support.

  • I am authentic while giving feedback.
  • I keep it simple and speak to the essence of what I experienced.
  • I maintain heart contact with the person to whom I am giving support.
  • I allow a session to stand on its own, and I release the need to compare.
  • I notice when I want to give unsolicited advice, criticism, counseling or consulting, and then release it without sharing it!

8. It is my intention to fully receive acknowledgment and support.

  • I am open to receiving acknowledgment – as the gift it is – and let it sink in.
  • I maintain heart contact with the person acknowledging me.

9. It is my intention to practice self-care and self-responsibility, and allow others to do the same.

  • I maintain a safe space for myself. I take care of and honor the wisdom of my body, heart, mind, and source of inspiration, allowing them to guide me.
  • When something feels like a judgment or advice, I can simply ask within, that it be reframed.
  • When I have a judgment, I say “Thank you for sharing,” to that voice within me, and I choose a more resourceful thought and focus.

10. It is my intention to be fully present.

  • I maintain these agreements in and out of the learning space.
  • I am here on time to start live group sessions.
  • I come to sessions rested and in a resourceful state.


* First Name
* Last Name
* Email

* I have read and understand the Cohering Community Participation Agreement and I agree to abide by this agreement to the best of my ability in the Cohering Community program and in the online community.
I agree
I disagree
Other (please describe):