Introduction to Cohering Community for the Good of All Now |
Cohering Community for the Good of All
You are invited to
Cohering Community Circles
...For the Good of All Now
You are invited to
Cohering Community Circles
...For the Good of All Now
You are invited to




...For the Good of All Now
Together, we can make a greater impact!
  • Are you ready to actively participate in changing our world for the good of all?
  • Do you believe that to make a change, we need to BE THE CHANGE?
  • Are you feeling the call to co-create purposeful communities united in the change they seek?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Co-Creating a World

That Works For The Good Of All!

Richard Schultz and Lisa Persson of the Cohering Community Experience, are offering a unique opportunity to get a small taste of what is possible in community that each of us cannot achieve alone, opening a path towards healing our fractured world and building our collective capacity to thrive amidst change. In a safe space, through engaging questions, dialogue, reflective practices, and interactive exercises, we will explore our collective potential, authentic power, and inherent wisdom. You’ll connect with like-hearted souls on a path to unity, truth, goodness, and beauty.

You are invited to register for an upcoming free online Cohering Community 'Taster' session that will provide a meaningful, participatory experience of connection, conversation and community building.

At the end of the session, you will be invited to join us in co-creating a grassroots movement for change aimed at fulfilling our deeper longings and building capacity to thrive together. We'll also answer questions you have about the Cohering Community program to help you decide if it is right for you, your colleagues/friends or group. 


Register for a Free Introduction

(Each session is limited to 20 participants, so register early but only if you intend to show up, be fully present, and participate.)

Cohering Community
*Taste the Possibilities*

October 17th from 12 to 2pm (EDT)

Cohering Community

Cohering Community
*Taste the Possibilities*

November 14th, 12 to 2pm (EDT)

Cohering Community

Cohering Community
*Taste the Possibilities*

November 28th, 12 to 2pm (EDT)

Cohering Community

Participation Agreement

Right from the start, you'll find these sessions different. This is not a webinar. It is not a presentation. This is an interactive experience of community and your active presence is required. To give all participants the best experience possible, by registering, you agree to the following:

  1. You'll arrive on time. (Doors will be closed 5 minutes after the start time)
  2. If you are unable to attend, you will let us know prior to the session.
  3. You agree to be respectful to other participants and the facilitators.
  4. You agree to practice being fully present, with your camera ON; listening with curiosity.
  5. You agree to speak about what has heart and meaning for you, but not go on and on and on. Practicing 'lean speaking' will give everyone that cares to, a chance to share. That said, no one will be required to speak. Silent moments in community can be golden.
  6. To help keep the space as open and safe as possible, you agree to confidentiality. What is said in the room, stays in the room. There will be no recordings.

Meet Your Hosts

Lisa Persson - Sweden

My passion in this life is life; in all its shapes and forms. From a young age I felt curious and fascinated by connections and relations, whether it be within myself, with others or nature. I was very drawn to the possibilities that reside within each and every one of us, in particular when coming together, when we allow and invite the possibilities. Through this interest and by combining two of my favourite things, sports and behavioral science, I started training within Sport Psychology. This was a ´great venture and a wonderful learning journey. Later, these studies were transferred into the field of Organizational Psychology.

Now, this passion has brought me in the direction of deep transformation and sustained change, where I practice as a deep transformational coach. Still, my calling is pulling me towards the endless possibilities emerging when being and experiencing our togetherness – here is where I love to spend my time!

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there’ (Rumi).

Richard Schultz

I am passionate about working with organizations and community to expand their capacities for authentic connection, leadership, collaboration and innovation. I especially love facilitating Open Space Technology meetings. I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating several peace conferences for Rotarians, co-founded the PeaceLeaders Collaborative and facilitated Greater Moncton, Canada becoming an International City of Peace. On a regular basis, I host open, online Leadership Dialogues and Peace Cafés using the Bohm Dialogue method.

I resonate with Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” For the last 20+ years, I have studied, taught and worked with hundreds of individuals to elevate their lives from the inside -> out by changing limiting beliefs, forgiveness, releasing trauma, and integrating shadow. I especially love doing “Shadow integration work.” 'Shadow,' often birthed in trauma, is at the core of most limiting behaviours and largely responsible for the polarization we are experiencing in our world today.

Cohering Community

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For the Good of All Now

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